
U.S.A. - HELENA-MONTANA - The Poindexter Legacy: MH AB-ex

Harold Schlotzhauer, "Wits End", 2010, digital print on bamboo mat

The Poindexter Collection has influenced a generation of Montana artists who have added their own “sense of place” and mentored new generations with distinctive Montana and Poindexter roots. This legacy is exhibited in conjunction with paintings from the Montana Historical Society’s Poindexter Collection.

Featured artists: Rudy Autio
Lela Autio
Freeman Butts
Sandra dal Poggetto
Bob DeWeese
Gennie DeWeese
Josh DeWeese
George Gogas
Paul Harris
Jerry Iverson
Terry Karson
Mary Ann Kelly
Sara Mast
Ellen Ornitz
Nan Parsons
Jim Poor
Jerry Rankin Robert Royhl
Harold Schlotzhauer
Jay Schmidt
Kathy Schmidt
Bill Stockton
Phoebe Toland
Ted Waddell
Peter Voulkos

Holter Museum of Art      22.06.2012 - 28.10.2012

Website & source : Holter Museum of Art

Website : City of Helena

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