
U.S.A. - WINTER PARK-FLORIDA - A Mas­ter of Mod­ernism: Wood­cuts and Paint­ings by Charles Turzak

The son of Czech immi­grants, Charles Turzak (1899 – 1986) enjoyed a long and pro­lific career as a mas­ter wood­block print­maker, painter, WPA mural­ist, com­mer­cial illus­tra­tor and a beloved art teacher. His crit­i­cally acclaimed graph­ics of the expand­ing urban sky­line in his home­town of Chicago and work­ing class heroes epit­o­mized the Mod­ern Art move­ment in Amer­ica in the 1930s. Over forty wood­cuts and paint­ings will be on dis­play dat­ing from the 1930s to 1960s and include views of Chicago land­marks, his­tor­i­cal Amer­i­can fig­ures, Czecho­slo­va­kian land­scapes and impres­sions of Orlando, Florida, where he retired in 1958.

The Albin Polasek Museum 01.09.2010 - 14.11.2010

Website : City of Winter Park