Untitled from the series The Rape of a Nation, ©Marcus Beasdale
Africa's Children of Arms
The Pulitzer Center is committed to telling the stories of vulnerable populations all over the world, and perhaps one of the most startling is that of child soldiers. Boys and girls from more than 20 countries are recruited or abducted into armies where they serve as messengers, spies, and combatants. All are subjected to the atrocities of wars that many are not old enough to understand. Their experiences in war and rehabilitation are diverse and haunting.
This project presents the work of three photographers, Marcus Bleasdale, Robin Hammond and Andre Lambertson, because of their deep understanding and sensitivity to these issues. Their images tell the stories of former child soldiers—of haunted pasts and of hope for the future.
Worcester Art Museum 19.11.2014 - 31.05.2015
Website & source : Worcester Art Museum
Website : Worcester