
U.S.A. - SHELBURNE-VERMONT - Paperwork in 3D

Paperwork in 3D features the work of 23 contemporary artists who transform flat sheets of paper into amazing three-dimensional art.

On exhibit at several galleries throughout the grounds, Paperwork in 3D explores a variety of themes and techniques including: the Japanese art of origami, cut paper, pop-up books and graphic novels, the mathematics of paper engineering, sculpture, and fashion (cross-referencing the exhibit In Fashion in Webb Gallery). Site specific installations include lighted sculpture in the Round Barn silo by Vermont artist Riki Moss, and rain forest animal and plant sculpture in Kalkin House, created by Emma Hardy from Colorado.

From mid-June to mid-August daily scheduled activities in Kalkin House help visitors explore many of the artistic techniques used by the artists in the exhibition.

Featured Artists:

Book Arts: Tom Allen, Doug Beube, Brian Dettmer, Sam Ita, Matthew Reinhart, Jacqueline Rush Lee, Robert The.

Sculptural/Dimensional Arts: Lauren Clay, Emma Hardy, Matt Hawkins, Nava Lubelski, Riki Moss, Matt Shlian, Michael Velliquette.

Origami: Brian Chan, Joel Cooper, Robert Lang, Chris Palmer, Jacob Zimet and Family.

Cut Paper: Beatrice Coron, Bovey Lee, Karen O’Leary, Jared Andrew Schorr, Hunter Stabler, Nami Yamamoto.

Shelburne Museum        15.05.2011 - 30.10.2011

Website & source :Shelburne Museum
Website : Shelburne
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