
2136 - U.S.A. - DOVER-DELAWARE - William D. White: Vision and Voice - 06.03.2015-21.06.2015


William D. White
White Night Shift on Broad Street

This exhibition reintroduces the work of Delaware illustrator, muralist and painter William D. White (1896-1971). White’s varied and significant career spans some of the country’s most intense moments of the 20th century as well as the final days of the golden age of American illustration. The exhibition and related publication will celebrate significant moments in the life of the artist through an examination of over 75 works.

Biggs Museum of American Art - William D. White: Vision and Voice - 06.03.2015-21.06.2015

Website & source : Biggs Museum of American Art

Website : Dover



2135 - U.S.A. - DETROIT-MICHIGAN - Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo in Detroit - 15.03.2015-12.07.2015


Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo were an explosive couple. He carried a pistol. She carried a flask. He romanticized Detroit. She rejected it. But what they shared was a belief in communism, a thirst for tequila and a passion for each other. Discover how they left their mark on Detroit. And how Detroit left its mark on their art. Exclusively on view at the Detroit Institute of Arts, Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo in Detroit brings together nearly 70 works of art that depict the evolution of these two extraordinary artists’ careers, including eight of Rivera’s epic preparatory drawings for the Detroit Industry murals and 23 pieces by Kahlo, whose work has never before been shown at the DIA.

Detroit Institute of Arts - Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo in Detroit - 15.03.2015-12.07.2015

Website & source : Detroit Institute of Arts

Website : Detroit


2134 - U.S.A. - DENVER-COLORADO - Glitterati - Portraits & Jewelry from Colonial Latin America - 07.12.2014-27.11.2016


Diego de Borgraf, Saint Catherine of Alexandria (detail), Mexico, 1656. Oil on canvas. Denver Art Museum, Gift of Frederick and Jan Mayer; 2011.426.

During the Spanish Colonial period in Latin America (1521–1850), precious gold and silver were crafted into elegant jewelry then embellished with emeralds from Colombia, coral from Mexico, and pearls from Venezuela. Wanting to demonstrate their wealth and status, people were painted wearing their finest dress and elaborate jewelry.

Women were adorned with tiaras, necklaces with pendants, and prominent earrings. Men proudly displayed hat ornaments, rings, watch fobs, and chatelaines (decorative belt hooks) with small tools similar to the modern Swiss Army knife. Priests wore gold crucifixes and rosaries while nuns had miniature paintings of the Virgin Mary and saints crafted into brooches, called nun’s badges. Inlaid and lacquered chests and boxes were used to store these luxury goods.

The portraits, furniture, and jewelry that are exhibited in Glitterati, drawn from the DAM’s world-renowned Spanish Colonial collection, tell the fascinating story of people and luxury possessions in the New World.

Denver Art Museum - Glitterati - Portraits & Jewelry from Colonial Latin America - 07.12.2014-27.11.2016

Website & source : Denver Art Museum

Website : Denver



2133 - U.S.A. - DALLAS-TEXAS - Small Worlds: Edouard Vuillard and the Intimate Art of the Nabis - 21.11.2014-19.04.2015


Maurice Denis, Portrait of a Young Girl (Thérèse Watillaux), 1896, oil on cardboard, Dallas Museum of Art

Small Worlds: Edouard Vuillard and the Intimate Art of the Nabis explores works in the DMA's collection created by Nabi artists, including Edouard Vuillard, Pierre Bonnard, Maurice Denis, and Félix Vallotton. In the years following the final impressionist exhibition in 1886, a variety of avant-garde groups were formed in Paris by young artists eager to propose a new kind of modernist painting. One of these was begun around 1888 by a handful of students at a private art school known as the Académie Julian. Calling themselves the Nabis, a Hebrew word meaning “prophets,” these young artists forged a new relationship to many of the same subjects that had fascinated the impressionists a generation before: the modern city, its streets and public spaces, and the status of the private self in relation to this public sphere.

Dallas Museum of Art - Small Worlds: Edouard Vuillard and the Intimate Art of the Nabis - 21.11.2014-19.04.2015

Website & source : Dallas Museum of Art

Website : Dallas